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    September 27, 2018
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Power of Attorney - what is all the fuss about?aMinhane, Senior Associate -Inhertance Protectin ream Advertising Feature Do Ineed a Power of Attorney? mportant to understand what a power of attorney is. pk s the derorce betweon a property and financial Lasting Powor of Attomey(LPA) and a heath and wefare LPA First of all, what is a Power of Attorney A power of attorney is a logal documont which enablos you to oive another person (your attorney) asthority to mako cortan deosons your behat Thre 0 dnern types of power of aoy and you canse up more thn one An LPA is the most common power of attomey cane deciions on your yors of. This can bo extended to gang or rouong Mo sustanng team re r bohalt but only e you evor lack the mental capacity to do tis you wigh to give an attomay authority over your health ill noed to Who will I choose as my Attorney? It s an important decelon You should shforetoke core whom you appoint as your acomey as they should be trustworthy and ave appropriato skuls to moke the docisin. You can apport mort an one attorney and yo. an doc20 how they If you shaks over lack the capictyton ko atnancue decision a may ecessry tor an application to be made to the Court of Protection. This is both costly and tme consuming The person who applesonyour beha might not be the porson who you want s0 act for you If you lack the capocty to make a hoath or wefare decsion, some of for a cort application. This may moan however, that your wishes are not carried out. To avoid this and any pobonbal dispunes, you should ppoint someone to ke these deckions on your behat by making a heath and When does it become offective? It becommes efective as soon as t is registered with the Ofice of the Public Guan A Property and Financial atairs LPA gves your attomey authority lsubjct to any restrictions imposed by you) to deal with and make docisions about your propety and fnances should you over lose the mental capacity to do thls yoursf. You ca aso allow your attomey to use your LPA oven though you have the mental capacity t0 make such decisions yourset at thatti For example, if you are gong abrood, r junod in an accint or are ohe pliclty unable to deal with your an I revoke a Lasting Power of Attorney? Yos, at any time as long as you have the mental capadity, you can revoke your LPM ve an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA), surely that's ok? EPAs were replaced by LPAs in October 2017.If you signed an EPA before t st October 2017,t il conenu so be vald and sb inspect of property and A Health and Wefaro LIPA gives your aomey authonty to mako wotaro and houth Maidenhead Office: First Floor, 7 Frascati Way. Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 4UY Telephone: 01628 671636 Email: ontact Niamh Minihane Senior Associate- Inheritance Protection Team Gardner Leader-Maidenhead Otfice T: 01623 671 636 eader