Myth busting - Redundancy Michelile Morgan, Senior Associate- Employment Team Advertising Feature 4. 1 will get a reference when I leave An employor is not obliged to provide a rolerance, ot alone a favorabio ong-provided thot if a nogathe roteronce is provided t is done so on the omployors an 21 can't be dismissed for redundancy because I am pre Redundancles have become a common ocourence in rocent timos. During conomic downturn, employers nood to reduce their overteads as much as possble, and as most business ownors wil tol you theo highes cost to a businesscane must be given Selecting an employee for sodundancy puroly on the grounds s usualy their employoos. From rodundancy on mabornity to Tast in frst out Prognant omployoos and those on maternity loave can be mado redundant but of prognancy or maternity loave is unlawul and could give riso to a discrimination a dscrminaston that it is tar 5. Ive received a Settlement Agreement to indludo those on matemity loave as part of the procoss von i thoy are not physcalywork. Athoug groun sol e andancy: Ongkyoes on monerney looentiod 10boonored a butable atornotivo vacancy twhere ono is availablo) ahood of othors also at riek of rodundancy This gives womon on mabenity leave first eetusal on any vacant rolesthat the employee may have arising out of hishor they aronot atbrdod potoctorhom dar asal on Not necossanly You are only entiod so statutory rodundancy poy,onoe ve workoed for your employer for at loast two full yoans. Qualitying amployeos w n'satm w boing agoen ont tet or an or p0yer and an employee deking wth the soent of clams one you have accepts a sum of money in noturn for agrooing not to 1 wook's pay for each full year they wore 22 or oder, but uncdor 41 - 1 and haif wook's pay tor oach full yeor thoy were 41 or oldo A wook's pay for this purpose is subject to a cap, currenity set at £508 Contractual redundancy schomes may choose not to apply the above twoyoor quaitying nule, in which case there woukd be a contractual rathor than statutory right Length of service used to bo one oit the most common ways of dociding ch nor safo crborion whion used as the solo means for selecting possible omployoos for contribution towands the feos for toking this advice are oten paid by the amployor Gardner Maidenhead Office: First Floor, 7 Frascati Way, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 4UY Telephone: 01628 671636 Email: Senior Associate - Gardner Leader Employment Team